Eastex Jensen Virtual Art Submissions
Calling all art students and creative minds in the Eastex Jensen community! We know that Eastex Jensen is a neighborhood where a lot of wonderful artwork is being made, and
we want to showcase it for everyone to see!
We will be creating a virtual art gallery to showcase the works of art that we receive, and we will be
putting up QR codes during the Jensen Jubilee so that visitors and passersby can scan the code and see the gallery with your beautiful works! The gallery will also be on our website for everyone else in the Houston community to see!
We would love to receive your artwork and share it with the Houston community. We accept art in all visual styles and media. You may create a new art piece to submit for the gallery, or you may submit a work that you have previously done as a personal or school project.
Please submit your artwork by clicking on the link below and filling out the form. Your artwork must be sent as an image file. You may scan or take a picture of your artwork.
The deadline has been extended until October 10th, 2021.
We look forward to seeing your beautiful works of art!
Also, make sure to download our free coloring book below!